Publish: 22 Oct 2021
Ung Dansk Fotografi ’21
Young Danish Photography is a recurring exhibition series at Fotografisk Center. Each year Fotografisk Center invites a guest curator to collaborate on creating the exhibition to show case current tendencies on the art photography scene to a wider audience. The exhibition series has existed since 1997 and also show video art…

Publish: 18 Oct 2021
Zoom 2021 – a digital poetry festival
We are proud to invite you to join us online Tuesday October 19 at 7 pm for the digital poetry festival Zoom 2021. It is arranged by Oslo Internasjonale Poesifestival - our partner in the cross-Nordic Poetry Festival Opbrud. You can find the live transmission on Facebook. It’s the second…

Publish: 11 May 2021
Autumn at | meter |
Danish society is slowly opening up again after the second wave of Covid-19 and with it meter's autumn program is slowly coming in to place. In August 2021 meter has been invited to take part in the panel talk: Networks - the Artist-Run Currency at Juxtapose Art Festival in Århus.…

Publish: 11 Jun 2020
Artist talk: Cassie Augusta Jørgensen
On Thursday June 18 from 4-5 pm meter hosts an artist talk by visual artist, choreographer and dancer Cassie Augusta Jørgensen. The talk is a part of a series arranged by the independent platform and forum for the experimental performing arts, choreography and interdisciplinary practices. Cassie Augusta Jørgensen alias Worker…

Publish: 09 Feb 2020
Reception for the book: How to Quit
Dear mindful computers and social robots You are hereby cordially invited to the official release and reception of the book: How to Quit by Centre for Cyber Wellness. The function will take place at the following coordinate in the time-space continuum: Thursday, January 9 at 3-6 pm I meter IHenrik Rungs Gade…

Publish: 08 Oct 2019
Lunar Celebration – Pop-up exhibition by Line Falk
Come celebrate the Moon with us on Friday, October 11 from 4-10 pm – two days before the fiery full supermoon in Aries. Artist and designer Line Falk will be showing a series of handcrafted Lunar Plates at meter. This small pop-up is also open Saturday, October 12 between 1…

Publish: 03 Oct 2019
Rie Hovmann Rasmussen stops as co-director of meter.
I am sad to see Rie go. The collaboration between us has been above what I could ever expect. I am so proud of what we have created together in the exhibition platform meter and it has been such a pleasure and a constant inspiration to work with her. I…