Publish: 22 Oct 2021
Ung Dansk Fotografi ’21
Young Danish Photography is a recurring exhibition series at Fotografisk Center. Each year Fotografisk Center invites a guest curator to collaborate on creating the exhibition to show case current tendencies on the art photography scene to a wider audience. The exhibition series has existed since 1997 and also show video art and other camera based medias.
With participation of artists and photographers:
Liv Latricia Habel
Tore Hallas
Mathieu J. H. Hansen
Signe Rohardt Lund
Michael C. Madsen
Luna Emilie Printz Scales
In 2021 meter has been asked to co-curate the show with former artistic director of Fotografisk Center Kristine Kern. The exhibition will spotlight experimental, research based and critical projects. During the exhibition there will also be a number of events and discussions open to the public.
We are introducing six artists and photographers at the beginning of their career. Through photography they depict various aspects of this year’s theme – history – and not necessarily as we expect history to be represented. At this year’s Young Danish Photography there is a focus on lived history and thus memory, which is often placed in opposition to history as science; on adding to history and thereby challenging our understanding of the past, making it ambiguous; but also the history of representation, which may open the door to a debate on how people, society, and nature are portrayed.
Read more here.