Date: 11 Sep 2021 - 12 Sep 2021
Time: 12:00 - 21:00
Location: LiteraturHaus
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the cross-nordic poetry festival Opbrud that celebrates poetry but also fine art for their abilities to approach the unspeakable. This year the focus of the festival is poetry that deals with traumatic experience.
On Saturday and Sunday, September 11th-12th we present an extensive program at LiteraturHaus consisting of poetry readings, art performances, presentations by scholars within philosophy, aesthetics and literature as well as conversations; all of which deal with individual and collective traumas in different ways.
With participation of:
Yong Sun Gullach (DK), Yahya Hassan (DK), Tua Forsström (FIN) represented by Maja Lucas & Kamilla Löfström (DK), Theis Ørntoft (DK), Shadi Angelina Bazeghi (DK), Robin May Schott (US), Peter Brandt (DK), Peter Borum (DK), Pedro Carmona-Alvarez (NO), Paul Celan (RO), Oskar Fehlauer (DK), Nicolaj Stochholm (DK), Nanna Storr-Hansen (DK), Mikas Lang (DK), Merima Dizdarević (SE), Lesley-Ann Brown (DK), Khashayar Naderehvandi (SE), Karoline Brændjord (NO), Julie Sten-Knudsen (DK), Jessie Kleemann (GL/DK), Jenny Tunedal (SE), Inger Elisabeth Hansen (NO), Helena Boberg (SE), Gry Stokkendahl Dalgas (DK), Glenn Christian (DK), Frida Pihl (DK), Fedaa Sultan (EG/PS), Fatuma Awil (SE), Fatemeh Ekhtesari (NO), David Zimmerman (SE), Claudia Rankine (US) represented by Liv Nimand Duvå (DK), Carsten Juhl (DK), Caspar Eric (DK), Bjørn Rasmussen (DK), Anne Boyer (US) represented by Ditte Holm Bro (DK).
In a way we present you with a paradox because trauma can be considered as a phenomenon that is outside of language. But as the Swedish author and psychologist Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson writes in the text Traumats Poetik; it is precisely because of trauma’s relationship to speechlessness that creates its closeness to poetry. Poetry of trauma lies somewhere inbetween traumatic memory – in which the trauma is relived – and the recreation, which necessarily reduces the event in order to make it comprehensible.
Reachable, near and not lost, there remained in the midst of the losses this one thing: language. It, the language, remained, not lost, yes, in spite of everything. But it had to pass through its own answerlessness, pass through frightful muting, pass through the thousand darknesses of deathbringing speech. It passed through and gave back no words for that which happened; yet it passed through this happening. – Paul Celan (1958).
The point of departure for the festival is our global reality with climate crisis, disease and loss, marginalization, war, exile and violence; not to paint a picture of a lost world, but to create a space in which we can learn about the nature of trauma and create a meaningful dialogue about both shared experiences, and those that go beyond.
Practical information:
Tickets can be bought via Billetto.
Partout ticket that gives you acces to the festival at LiteraturHaus both Saturday and Sunday: 150 DKK
A ticket for Saturday’s program from 12 pm – 9 pm: 100 DKK
A ticket for Sunday’s program from 1 pm – 6 pm: 75 DKK
Food prepared by The Caribbean Housewife can be bought during the festival and the feminist book shop Det Lilla Rum will be selling a curated selection of books.
Opbrud is created in close collaboration between meter and poet Shadi Angelina Bazeghi.
It is one of three appendices in Malmö, Copenhagen and Oslo formulated in collaboration with Swedish poetry journal Lyrikvännen as well as Oslo Internasjonale Poesifestival. In October 2020 we succeeded in carrying out the Malmö Appendix – Förlustens Kunst – despite of the current pandemic. Read about it here.
The festival is supported by: The Nordic Culture Fund, The Danish Arts Foundation, The Swedish Arts Council, Ministry of Culture Denmark & Nørrebro Lokaludvalg.
Graphic design by: Fanny Wacklin Nilsson.