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Scenography at Stockholm School of Dramatic Arts.
BA in Theatre Studies, Copenhagen University.

Marie Moberg’s scenography seeks to enable theatrical spatial experiences that may facilitate a sharing of empathy, as well as a sense of diversity and acceptance. In her practice she explores how norms and power structures in society (and subsequently on the stage) are shaping our surroundings. Moberg finds inspiration from theories within social architecture and disruptive design as she attempts to extend the audience’s relationship to the space they are in.




Shaking the habitual: What is your utopia?

Scenographer Marie Moberg has rebuild and altered the physical exhibition space at meter. The result is a part of her vision of an ultra-democratic place accessible to all bodies and opinions. A ramp runs through the exhibition space, giving access to the second room where  footstools are build into the floor so that the space is able to accommodate performances, readings, workshops as well as exhibiting art works.