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PhD from Aalborg University and candphil. from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.




I would prefer not to

For the exhibition I would prefer not to Jan Bäcklund shows his archive under the title: BUREAUGRAVITY .

We do lists, write words, draw contours, classify things, topographies, identities, and concepts. We call this form of practice for bureaugraphy. Bureaugraphy can be defined as form of writing desk performance, consisting of office procrastination, encyclopedic cataloging, and different types of copying and emulation of past feats. We all try to convince ourself that we are employed by an umpire, known as “The Hanged Brothers,” who supervises this idle work and frivolous projecteering, while observing us from a point in a perfective future. This future point is our only point of consolation, given the lousy job and sad life it evidently is.